Christmas is a magical time of year: the cold, the lights and the music take us back in time and...
Padua Urbs Picta: the masterpiece of frescoes in the Scrovegni Chapel and in the Eremitani Church
Having reached the final, extraordinary stage of our itinerary amid the beauty of Padua Urbs Picta, we treasure what we...
Padua Urbs Picta: the Basilica and the Convent of Sant’Antonio and the Oratory of San Giorgio
Less than a year has passed since the city of Padua was listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site. During this...
Padova Urbs Picta: Palazzo della Ragione and Battistero
With this article, we travel through time while remaining in Padua. The Palazzo della Ragione and the Baptistery of Padua...