Pork fillet with Piedmontese hazelnuts, pumpkin cream sauce and pomegranate gel

The flavours of autumn all come together in this dish by Chef Massimo. Piedmont hazelnuts, with their full, crunchy flavour, bring to mind the landscape of the hills shrouded in autumn fog, as scenic as it is rich in delicious products. Then there is the pumpkin, a vegetable that with its sweet, orange flesh always brings joy to any dish, as if to remind us of the summer sun that helped make it so delicious. Finally, the pomegranate, with its unique and intense flavour, like the ruby red colour of its juice.

Pork fillet with Piedmontese hazelnuts, pumpkin cream sauce and pomegranate gel

Ingredients for 4 persons:

2 pork fillets

150 g Piedmontese hazelnut kernels

½ Mantuan squash

2 pomegranates

vegetable broth

2 egg whites

fresh thyme



EVO oil

a corn wafer


Cut the pumpkin into pieces, remove the seeds and bake it (with the skin on) in the oven (wrapped with baking paper) with salt, pepper, a drizzle of EVO oil and a sprig of fresh thyme. Leave it in the oven at 120° for about 1 hour. Remove the peel and then blend everything in a blender adding a ladle of vegetable stock and forming a creamy mixture.

Separately, prepare the pork fillets. Salt and pepper them and let them rest for 10 minutes. Brush the fillets with egg whites and dip them in Piedmontese hazelnut granules. Bake the fillets at 67° for about 1½ hours. 

Clean the pomegranates and quickly purée the seeds in a saucepan for 2 minutes. Blend everything and pass through a sieve to obtain a thick mixture. 

Serve by forming a bed of creamy pumpkin. Lay the pork fillet medallions on top, decorate with pomegranate gel and a crispy corn and thyme wafer.


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