One of the bodystyling beauty treatments offered by Hotel Tritone in summer is the Farmogal Cold Leg Wrap.

Erica, one of our expert beauticians, recommends it to all guests – especially those who suffer from varicose veins, people who take a lot of medication, and those who are overweight, to combat fluid retention. Everyone who has tried it confirms that their legs immediately felt lighter. It is also a treatment that stimulates diuresis.


This is a specific lymph drainage treatment for the legs, which stimulates circulation. Before the treatment, however, a cleansing spray is sprayed on to prepare the skin, and then a gentle massage begins to open the lymphatic ganglia. 

Afterwards, bandages soaked in a Farmogal solution (consisting of hyaluronic acid, camphor and menthol) are applied. The treatment stimulates the microcirculation to deflate the legs, which are both completely enveloped in the bandages soaked in this solution, from the foot to the upper thigh.

Once bandaged, the legs are covered with a special cloth, called cartene. After the resting time has elapsed (20-25 minutes), one leg at a time is uncovered and the lymphatic drainage therapy begins.

Lighter legs, healthier body

Immediately after this treatment, your legs will feel less swollen and heavy. You will feel better overall: healthier, stronger and therefore more optimistic and happy.


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