The wonders of the second stage of St Anthony’s Way
A stay at Hotel Tritone can be enriched by a unique spiritual and physical experience: a walk along one or more stages of the Cammino di Sant’Antonio (St Anthony’s Way). The entire route winds its way in 22 stages from Padova to the Tuscan Apennines, and the second of these covers the territory around Abano Terme.
Basic information on St Anthony’s Way
St Anthony’s Way is one of the most interesting pilgrimage routes in Italy because it is rich in history and spirituality as well as great natural and scenic attractions. It can be covered on foot or by bicycle and every year it is undertaken by many pilgrims and devotees, both Italian and foreign, who, with their backpacks on their shoulders, retrace the Saint’s footsteps, visiting some of the places marked by his passage.
Stage 2: Padua – Monselice (22.2 km)
It starts from the famous Basilica of the Saint, which is worth visiting together with the Oratory of St George, the Scuola del Santo (Saint’s School) with frescoes by Titian, and the Antoniano Museum.
One crosses the Prato della Valle (Square of the Valley), the elliptical square adorned with 78 statues of illustrious Paduans, with Isola Memmia (Island of Memmia) at its centre, accessible by four stone bridges. From here you can also admire the Basilica di Santa Giustina (St Justine’s Basilica), the repository of the martyr’s remains. After passing Prato della Valle, you will soon come across the Church of the Holy Cross, famous for the canvas depicting the Saint, and the Sanctuary of San Leopoldo Mandic.
The Cammino continues along the Canale Battaglia where elegant villas and lush gardens, such as Villa Molin, the Castello del Catajo and Villa Emo, can be seen.
Following the watercourse, one arrives at Monselice, where the Sanctuary of the Seven Churches is located, representing the seven major basilicas of Rome (St Peter’s, St John Lateran’s, St Paul Outside-the-Walls’, St Mary Major’s, Holy Cross, St Lawrence’s, and St Sebastian’s). In this town, a miracle attributed to St Anthony took place: a woman, who threw herself into the Bisatto canal in despair at the failure of her husband to convert, was saved and did not even get wet.
Guests wishing to do part of the stage or arrange to do the entire stage can contact the reception desk at the Hotel Tritone, where Luca and the entire staff will provide useful information and all the support required.
To walk part of St Anthony’s Way from the Hotel Tritone, you can write to us here or call (+39) 049 8668099